The Good Gift of Weakness

The Good Gift of Weakness Book Review

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I received The Good Gift of Weakness compliments of Harvest House in exchange for my honest review.

The Good Gift of Weakness is the latest book by pastor, author, and podcaster, Eric Schumacher. This book helps readers cultivate a theology of weakness. To many, even Christians, weakness seems like a bad thing. Yet Christ’s power is made perfect in it so for Christians, it is important that we understand what it is and how to embrace it.

In The Good Gift of Weakness Eric takes readers through a broad overview of the storyline of Scripture and helps them see God’s pattern of using foolish things to shame the wise. In our Western world, it seems that being strong should be a priority if one wants to experience success. Eric helps readers see that God’s way is the opposite and we see the culmination of this in Jesus.

The Good Gift of Weakness

Eric introduces each chapter with a personal anecdote as an illustration. Many of them were hilarious and I found myself laughing out loud as I read them. It is a joy to come across books about serious subjects whose authors appreciate the gift of humor. I also enjoyed learning more about the Bible. Eric helped me make some whole Bible connections and see some patterns in the Bible I hadn’t previously noticed.

The Good Gift of Weakness does a lovely job of reminding readers of the many ways Jesus displayed ultimate strength by becoming weak on our behalf. The book is full of reminders of the gospel message and Bible verses. I appreciated that the verses were made available to readers via footnotes versus endnotes. There were many times I picked up the book feeling incredibly weak due to various circumstances and was discouraged because of my weaknesses.

The Good Gift of Weakness encouraged my heart with the hope of Jesus and has easily become one of my favorite Christian books. If you are experiencing weakness of any kind or want to better understand what it looks like to rely on Christ’s power to be made perfect in your weakness, I highly recommend The Good Gift of Weakness.

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