Read Aloud Bible Stories

Read Aloud Bible Stories Volume 1 Review

I received Read Aloud Bible Stories Volume 1 compliments of Moody Publishers in exchange for my honest review.

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Read Aloud Bible Stories Volume 1 is a simple collection of simply paraphrased Bible stories for preschool aged children. This volume contains 5 stories from the New Testament. Each story contains enlarged text and images and the images are bright and captivating. Although the stories are simple, they accurately capture the gist of the actual biblical accounts they represent.

Read Aloud Bible Stories Volume 1

The title for each story contains a reference for where it can be found in the Bible which I appreciate. While my younger two children generally don’t focus and pay attention when we read Bible stories as a family, they were very focused on the stories in this book. Read Aloud Bible Stories Volume 1 is a helpful tool for laying the foundations of biblical literacy early on. There are many children’s bibles available and I’m so glad we have this one on our shelf!

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