Writing for Life and Ministry by Brandon J. O’Brien is a brief yet incredibly helpful book. This resource was created to help those in ministry who may not have a background in writing. It includes practical tips as well as exercises for growing as a writer. The writing process is broken down into 3 main components: planning, drafting, and revising. Although these components are academic in nature, O’Brien discusses them in a way that is practical and personable.
Writing for Life and Ministry is composed in an easy to read, accessible manner. While much of the book contains detailed instruction for writing itself, it also includes encouragement for writers. I was really thankful for O’Brien’s reminder that writing is a way of serving people and as such ought not to be taken lightly. “Why not come to writing lightly?” O’Brien asked on page 54. He answered, “Because the people who choose to be your readers have paid you an extraordinary honor. They have given you their attention for the length of time it takes them to read your post or book or newsletter. They have given you some measure of authority to shape the way they understand the world and how to live their lives. You honor their investment in you when you take your task seriously.”
One aspect that I really appreciated in the book, is O’Brien’s reminder to writers to carefully and concisely choose their words. On page 49 he said, “It doesn’t really matter what you meant. What matters is how it sounds. Be gracious to a fault.” This is simple yet essential advice, especially for Christian writers. Read my full review here.