The Big Wide Welcome




The Big Wide Welcome is the second children’s book by author and Bible teacher, Trillia Newbell. This title is one of many in the wonderful Tales That Tell the Truth series from The Good Book Company. Its content is essentially a kid-friendly adaptation of the book of James. The Big Wide Welcome helps young readers recognize the sin of partiality by explaining what was occurring in James’ church and provides modern examples to help children learn what exclusion looks like and why it is wrong.

Trillia writes in a way that is easy for children to understand and relate to. She uses the idea of favorites to demonstrate that while everyone has favorite things, it is not okay to play favorites when it comes to people. Young readers are reminded that instead of treating some people preferentially, we ought to treat all of them with the same love that God shows for His people in Christ. Read my full review here.

To watch Trillia read the book herself, click here!