



Sanctuary: Cultivating a Quiet Heart in a Noisy and Demanding World is a 31 day devotional by speaker and author Denise J. Hughes. This book is the perfect read for women who are considering how to live a quiet life in our noisy world. Sanctuary helps women think through what it looks like to have a heart that is quiet before the Lord rather than overwhelmed by the demands of life and the noise that social media often unhelpfully adds to our lives.

Each devotional begins with a Bible verse and is followed by a brief anecdote by the author. Each one concludes with three sections: Contemplate, Cultivate, and Pray. The Contemplate section contains three questions for readers to think through. The Cultivate section includes encouragement from the author based on the day’s reading, and the Pray section includes a brief prayer. I am grateful for how Sanctuary gives readers some helpful things to think about regarding social media and how it shapes our hearts and lives. Read my full review here.