Maria Fearing Book




Maria Fearing: The Girl Who Dreamed of Distant Lands, is one of the latest additions to the Do Great Things for God series from The Good Book Company. Maria (pronounced Mar-eye-uh) was born into slavery in Alabama. She learned about Jesus and the gospel early on and dedicated her life to serving God. Once free, she had it in her heart to be a missionary and moved to Congo to help share the good news of Jesus.

While there, Maria cared for many children who would have become slaves under the rule of harsh King Leopold. She opened up her own home and used her own income to rescue girls and teach them about Jesus. This book is a simple and beautiful retelling of Maria Fearing’s life and it is certain to bless all who read it. I was curious to learn more about Maria after reading the book and did some additional research. I found a lovely article by the book’s author on Christianity Today titled, She Was Born into Slavery. She Became a Missionary to Africa at 56. Read my full review here.