Humble Moms is the latest book by mother and author, Kristen Wetherell. This book draws on who Jesus is and what He’s done for moms who have trusted in Him alone for salvation. Kristen uses the book of John to help readers understand that Jesus served them when He died and rose again and that He is serving them even now.
I’ve read a few Christian books on motherhood and Humble Moms is one of my favorites. In the early years of motherhood, moms are constantly serving their children and are rarely served by them. In this way, we do have a sweet opportunity to model who Jesus is to our children but motherhood and all it encompasses can quickly become wearying.
I was greatly encouraged to be reminded that Jesus is with me and serves me even now even on the hardest days. This book really helped me train myself to take my eyes off the exhausting circumstances that often accompany motherhood and redirect my gaze to Christ.
Kristen begins the book with the acknowledgment, “We are busy serving, meeting our children’s needs while setting aside our own, and pouring ourselves out for these little ones. We’re using our hands to change diapers, nurse babies, read books, build towers, teach lessons, make lunches, and tend boo-boos. But if we’re honest we would admit that, while we love our kids, we don’t always like our situation. We struggle to enjoy it. It feels exhausting.
All day long, we work with a servant’s hands—but not always with a servant’s heart. Many of us desperately want our motives to align with our actions. We want our hands to follow our hearts. We don’t just want to keep our kids alive, but to raise them with gladness and thankfulness. Instead of a dormant or a resentful heart, we genuinely want a humble one. A heart like Christ. But how?” (pg. 4). Read my full review here.