He Will Be Enough is the debut title by pastor’s wife and author Katie Faris. In this book, Faris reminds readers that even when their circumstances change, God’s character does not. Faris begins the book with a look into the suffering her family endured as they learned that her children had a rare medical condition known as Alpha-1 She details for readers how God was faithful to her family even on their worst days. As I read about how Katie trusted God, my heart was pointed to the goodness of Jesus and I was very encouraged.
An example of this can be found on page 62 where Faris wrote, “Friends, Jesus is sympathetic with us in our weaknesses, especially when those weaknesses are related to temptation and sin. Think about it. There’s no doubt or lie that he hasn’t heard. There’s no struggle that surprises him. There’s no hardship outside of his scope. And there’s no need to run except to him; no need to hide except in him. Oh, what a Savior! His sympathy calls for a response, and Hebrews 4:16 tells us what this appropriate response is: ‘Draw near.’”
He Will Be Enough contains 20 brief chapters so it can be read as a chapter book or even as a devotional. Each chapter concludes with questions that point readers to the Bible and one additional benefit of the questions is that it makes the book an option for reading in a group setting. Read my full review here.