Parenting Without Panic

Parenting Without Panic in an LGBT Affirming World Book Review

I received Parenting Without Panic in an LGBT Affirming World compliments of The Good Book Company in exchange for my honest review.

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Parenting Without Panic in an LGBT Affirming World is the second book by author Rachel Gilson. I’m so grateful for this book because I have longed for a resource like this for quite some time. The book gives parents practical tips for talking to their children about sex, homosexuality, and transgenderism from a biblical perspective. At the beginning of Parenting Without Panic in an LGBT Affirming World Rachel wrote about the importance of teaching children God’s design for sex and marriage.

While these conversations can feel awkward, they are important and Rachel equips parents with the tools they need to start the conversations. She has a few sentences parents can easily memorize and implement when teaching their children that are so helpful.

Parenting Without Panic in an LGBT Affirming World

Rachel offers readers a unique perspective as a Christian who struggles with same sex attraction. The book helpfully reminds readers that struggling with sins other than homosexuality and transgenderism doesn’t make one better or less of a sinner and that the ground is level at the cross. Her approach to each topic maintains an excellent balance of truth and grace. She doesn’t shy away from what the Bible teaches and she does so with compassion and gentleness. Her example is one I hope to see many Christians, including myself, emulate.

She also encourages parents to let faith drive these tough conversations rather than fear. On page 6 she wrote, “The problem with fear is that it makes us act less like Jesus, not more. Fear tends to make us isolate ourselves instead of connecting with others and loving them. Fear tends to make us go on the attack instead of dying to ourselves. Fear is very real and very powerful, but Christ our Savior is more real and more powerful. He calls us and our children to life to the full (John 10:10).”

Parenting Without Panic in an LGBT Affirming World concludes with ways parents can love their children if their children are homosexual or transgender. This section of the book is full of principles backed by Scripture and I found myself so encouraged upon reading it. On page 31 she tenderly wrote, “As Christians, we are not surprised when bodies aren’t experienced as they were designed to be, because we know about the Fall! We can recognize that the experience of gender dysphoria is real without affirming that adopting a transgender identity is right.”

In Chapter 4, Rachel includes a brief response she heard a friend give to her daughter about rainbow flags and was excited because our family takes the same approach. Her friend said, “Instead of being angry, let’s decide every time we see a rainbow flag, we’re going to take a minute to pray for the people who put the flag up, that they would have a chance to hear the gospel and put their trust in Jesus.” I love how simple and Christ like this response is and I hope Rachel’s inclusion of it in the book will encourage more Christians to follow suit.

I’m deeply grateful for Rachel’s voice and eagerly anticipate reading and learning more from her in the future. If you are a parent and/or disciple children in any capacity, I highly recommend purchasing a copy of Parenting Without Panic in an LGBT Affirming World. This book is a gift to the church and a must read for those who minister to children.

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