One Perfect Plan

One Perfect Plan Book Review

I received One Perfect Plan compliments of Nancy Tupper Ling in exchange for my honest review.

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One Perfect Plan is a lovely picture book that teaches children the story of the Bible using poems. It traces through well known stories in the Old and New Testaments and culminates in Christ’s return. The illustrations are stunning and the idea to take the storyline of Scripture and break it down into individual poems is so creative and unlike any children’s book I’ve read before.

One Perfect Plan

The intended audience for One Perfect Plan is children but I believe adults will benefit from it too! One aspect that I appreciate is the book’s attention to detail. Many believe that Daniel was between 70 and 90 years old and the book portrays him as an old man. The book also includes Scripture references that coordinate with the poems so parents and children can dig deeper into the full context of each story.

I believe this book is a great addition to any home library and the dedication page with spaces to write who the book is to and from make it a wonderful gift idea! One Perfect Plan is a book we will be reading on repeat and I can’t wait to read more by Nancy Tupper Ling!

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