
Jesus Moments: David Book Review

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I received Jesus Moments: David compliments of The Good Book Company in exchange for my honest review.

Jesus Moments: David by Alison Mitchell is the first title in the Jesus Moments series by The Good Book Company. This lovely series aims to teach little ones biblical typology. The book begins by encouraging children to watch for hidden crowns throughout the story as each crown represents a Jesus moment. This book is a kid friendly paraphrase of the account of David’s encounter with Goliath. I love that it informs readers that they can find the full story in 1 Samuel 17. In the book, readers are informed that ” . . . a Jesus moment is a moment when David is a little like Jesus, the Son of God.”


Bible reading with my five year old often feels defeating because she doesn’t seem engaged. However, when I read this book with her, she paid attention the entire time and was excited to discover each crown. I felt overjoyed knowing that she was beginning to encounter the riches of God’s word. If you are looking for a solid, biblical resource for helping your children see how the Old Testament points to Jesus, I highly recommend this book. Our family has been blessed by many of Alison’s Mitchell’s resources for children and we anticipate reading more from her and more in this series!

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