Happy Birthday My Love


Lovey, today you are 28 I mean 24 (again). I’m so excited and thankful that I get to spend this birthday with you.

I am so encouraged by the man of God that you are. The way your heart is soft toward Christ and the way you so tenderly lead me is simply astonishing. I know when we first started dating, some of my friends warned me to be cautious with you since you were a new believer but that’s exactly what I love about you – that you are a new creation!

I love seeing your zeal for Jesus, His Gospel and His bride.

Those who know us know that we are obviously VERY different in every way, shape and form except for our love for Christ and His bride. Sometimes when iron sharpens iron, sparks fly (I don’t mean in the romantic sense) and I love that God has given me you as my husband and has used you in so many ways to cause me to become more like Christ.

Thank you for working hard to provide for me and our little girl. I know sometimes your job has it’s challenges and not every day is rainbows and butterflies but I have NEVER once heard you complain about working or being a provider.

Thank you for caring for me in “sickness and in health” which for us has really meant the first three months of our marriage and then through pregnancy. Although it hasn’t been too difficult there have been some little teeny challenges – like last week, when I had 2 nosebleeds. I was halfway asleep when my nose started dripping blood and you came and helped me clean up. Then there was yesterday when my right hand fell asleep and wouldn’t go back to normal and you massaged my hand and arm to get the blood flowing again.

I will never forget when we were having steak for dinner and you offered to not only prepare and make it, but to cut mine for me knowing that with carpal tunnel in both hands, it would have been very painful for me to accomplish that on my own.

Thank you for encouraging me to not beat myself up when I can’t do all the tasks that I normally could and telling me that you WANT me to ask you for help.

Thank you for cleaning the kitchen and vacuuming last weekend and thank you for helping me make dinner last night.

I love the way you so tenderly care for me, gently lead me and are compassionate toward me. I know you don’t quite understand me but I am deeply grateful for how you have grown as a husband and how you seek to live with me in an understanding way.

I appreciate that when I worry, you always remind me to trust God and then you pray for me. Out loud.

I love how you sing songs to the little girl in my belly and your excitement about being a daddy.

I am learning to love the way you push me out of my comfort zone (even if it’s involved you yelling my name at the top of your lungs across the grocery store when you couldn’t find me, ringing the bell at the Trader Joe’s check out and using that stupid selfie stick to make a video of us in Ross). Even though you tend to draw attention to me and I usually tend to get flustered in response, I love that you somehow still manage to make me smile.

DT, you are the love of my life, my best friend and my hero. I love you and I’m so proud of the man that you are and that man that you are becoming.

Here’s to your 28th year and all the blessings that will come along with it.

Happy birthday my love!



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