Derek’s Dream House

Over the summer Derek and I decided that we would begin working together toward purchasing our first house. While thankful for the housing we’ve receiving in apartment living, renting leaves much to be desired. To learn more about home buying, we met with our friends who are realtors and they walked us through the process. At the conclusion of our meeting with them we were asked, “What would your dream house include?” This question really stumbled me because I tend to be a very black and white thinker. Knowing what our budget was and what we were likely to find within our price range, I knew that a dream house was years away. My husband, on the other hand, didn’t hesitate to describe his dream home. When he stated that he wanted granite countertops and didn’t want to see any houses that were built before 1990, I knew our house hunting endeavors were over before they had even begun.

We ended the meeting by making a plan to begin looking at homes in November. Our realtors sent us daily emails with houses matching certain criteria we were looking for. They encouraged us to check out certain homes and neighborhoods if they seemed desirable so we could get a feel for what we ultimately wanted. Although it was fun to learn about the various options available, it was also discouraging at times because we knew most of the houses would be sold before it was time for us to buy. One day, Derek saw an email listing for a little blue house in Round Rock about 8 miles north of where we were living in Austin. He told me it was his dream house and that he wanted to attend one an open house to check it out. Since the house was on the higher end of our budget and we were still locked into the lease for our apartment, I was initially unwilling to look at it. Derek sat down with me and helped me work through the fears I had about buying a house. He told me that he wanted to at least look at the house and that we weren’t committing to anything by simply looking. I agreed to at least check it out but wasn’t thrilled at the prospect of doing so.

We arrived at the house the following Saturday morning and as we drove there we realized it was in a cute neighborhood we had previously driven past. A neighborhood we thought for sure would never be one we would call our own. I was anxious as we parked in front of the house expecting that as we entered we would be surrounded by other groups of people looking at the same house and would be pestered by a realtor hoping to make a sale. Our experience wasn’t traditional though because the home was being sold by a company called Opendoor rather than an individual or a couple. To tour the house we had to download the Opendoor app and then enter a code into it which unlocked the door to the house. There were security cameras watching us as we toured and the front door automatically locked a few seconds after we entered which was interesting. Since the house was really picturesque and in a great location, I figured there would be lots of other people checking it out but we were the only ones.

Of course, our family immediately fell in love with Derek’s Dream House. Even Adalyne exclaimed, “Oh my gosh! It’s so cute!” upon seeing the upstairs bathroom. When we left I thought, “Well, that was nice. . . and pointless.” It was such a battle in my heart to believe that since we serve the God of the impossible, He could certainly have this house for us. I wanted that to be true but I also wanted to guard my heart against my desire for a house becoming an idol. Derek decided it wouldn’t hurt to ask our realtor to take a look at it so two days later, he did. It turns out that the house had been sitting on the market for four months. The price had been dropped significantly yet no offers had been made on it. Our realtor felt that even then, it was still priced too high, all factors considered, and from there, we decided to make an offer.


What followed was an emotional roller coaster, at least for me. I was super excited to think that we could be done with apartment living (i.e. surprise cockroaches falling on me in the shower) but also scared to put too much stock in something that wasn’t a reality for us – at least not yet. A few days after our initial offer was made, we were able to reach an agreement with Opendoor as far as the final offer on the house and closing terms. We were hoping for a 60 day close but they agreed to a 30 day one and we got the keys to OUR HOUSE on Monday, November 4th! To God be the glory. Closing earlier than we hoped has been such a sweet and unexpected blessing. Although it seems to be taking a lifetime to unpack and get organized with two small children, I have been able to host my ladies Bible study group here a few times. I’m so grateful for God’s kindness and provision in this home that is just perfect for our family and I want to steward it for His glory.

Owning Derek’s Dream House has been better than anything we could have asked for or imagined. It contains 3 bedrooms and 2 and half bathrooms and a little yard for our kids to play in (when it’s not 30 degrees outside!). Our home also happens to be on the same street as the community park and pool which are within a three minute walking distance! We’re also excited to be near Round Rock’s Play for All Abilities Park and near an HEB Plus (it’s the little things, y’all). Since we’ve moved in Ava has FINALLY started sleeping through the night! PRAISE BE! We are enjoying the little things about having our own place like sitting on the couch at night and watching tv while the kids are in bed. We didn’t do that in our apartment because the living room was right outside of Addie’s room and you just don’t wake a sleeping baby. We’ve also enjoyed waking up early to read our Bibles and drink coffee. Since we have a larger space, we don’t have to worry about waking the girls up if we make noise in the kitchen.

My heart really fought hard to trust God in the entire home buying process. The Sunday after we looked at the house, the sermon in church was about faith. I wondered if God was using that to get my attention and remind me to trust Him. Shortly after we learned that our close date was going to be November 4th, our car was broken into while parked at our apartment complex. I felt like packing was a huge act of faith because it didn’t seem like the house would actually be ours until we received the keys. The break in seemed to be evidence of God’s mercy because nothing was stolen and it reminded me that God was working to move us from there. Even though having someone go through our vehicle felt violating, it was comforting to know that God could even use a stinky situation like that for my good and His glory.

So far, we just adore our cozy blue cottage! We are humbled and in awe of who God is and how He kindly provides for His children. The whole process reminded me of His great love for me even though my faith is so weak. I figured that He provides homes for people all the time, even people who don’t love Him – so why would it be so hard for Him to provide one for us too? Truly nothing is too hard for the Lord. It has been fun to turn our house into a home while holding it loosely knowing that our true Home isn’t here. Moving in has been a blast but Jesus is even better than that!

Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.

Ephesians 3:20-21

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