Like Me




Like Me is the latest children’s book by mother, podcaster, and author, Laura Wifler. This book tells the story of two brothers and is from the perspective of the older brother. The older brother makes observations about his younger brother and what his life is like with disabilities. This story gives readers a glimpse of the good and the hard parts of what it is like to live with someone who has disabilities.

I love the message of Like Me which is that all humans are created with dignity, value, and worth as they are created in God’s image for His glory. Another aspect of the book that I enjoy is the artwork. The illustrations are modern and moody and while this is a children’s book, I believe adults will benefit from reading it too!

My family loves Like Me and we can’t wait to read more by Laura Wifler in the future.

I received Like Me compliments of Harvest House Publishers in exchange for my honest review.