
Welcome to BibleWorld Book Review

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Welcome to BibleWorld is a fun children’s book by author Mike Nappa. The book contains vibrant, engaging pictures by illustrator Emiliano Migliardo. The book is about a fictional amusement park and each section contains a theme park ride that corresponds to a literary genre of the Bible. Welcome to BibleWorld is like The Good Book Company’s Seek and Find books and it aims to teach children to understand the Bible literarily. Each page presents readers with the opportunity to look for different objects that represent different Bible stories.

The objects are listed as bullet points and within parenthesis next to each object are the chapters and verses for finding the corresponding accounts in the Bible. The object lists contain words only and not pictures so this book is probably best for older children. I would have appreciated if pictures of the hidden objects would have been included with the lists because it would allow my kids to explore the book on their own.


I appreciated the emphasis on exploring the genres of the Bible because while my kids enjoyed looking at the book, they were also learning about approaching the Bible literarily. Understanding the Bible as literature is something I didn’t understand as a child so I’m thankful that this book makes it easy to introduce my children to accurate Bible reading skills early on.

Each area of the BibleWorld amusement park contains a brief overview of that genre of Scripture. The overviews are simple and helpful for young readers and even those who are new to reading the Bible. Although this is a children’s book, I believe that the summaries are helpful for readers of all ages who are hoping to gain a simple overview of the entire Bible. We really enjoyed Welcome to BibleWorld and I hope to see similar books published in the future!

I received Welcome to BibleWorld compliments of The Good Book Company in exchange for my honest review.

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