C is for Christian

C is for Christian Book Review

I received C is for Christian compliments of The Good Book Company in exchange for my honest review.

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C is for Christian is the first children’s book by pastor and author Alistair Begg. The book begins with Begg’s encouragement, “I hope that, as you read, you’ll become more and more amazed by all the God has done and is doing for his people—for every Christian, however young or old. And I pray that you’ll want to become or continue to be, a Christian yourself.”

C is for Christian

Begg wrote C is for Christian to help little ones understand what it means to be a Christian. Using 26 words, one for each letter of the alphabet, children learn one aspect of being a Christian. The words Begg selected are based on words and concepts from the Bible and each one includes a Bible verse to support it and a brief commentary by Begg. For example, the page dedicated to the letter “c” includes the word citizen and Philippians 3:20.

The book is formatted like a devotional and each of the 26 entries concludes with a few questions or things to think about and a prayer. The illustrations are stunning and the book includes a ribbon bookmark making it a lovely gift idea for children. C is for Christian concludes with a captivating two page spread that contains all the letters of the alphabet making this resource helpful for teaching young readers the Bible and their ABCs. While this is a children’s resource, adult readers are sure to benefit from it too. This is one of my new favorite Christian books for kids and I highly recommend it!

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