Friendship With the Friend of Sinners

Friendship With the Friend of Sinners Book Review

I received Friendship With the Friend of Sinners compliments of Baker in exchange for my honest review.

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Friendship With the Friend of Sinners is one of the latest books by author and pastor Jared C. Wilson. This book is a helpful read about how Christ befriends those who are His. While it is not necessarily a book about being a friend, it gives readers a foundation for forming friendships as they understand the friendship of Jesus. The book consists of ten chapters and each one focuses on an aspect of the friendship of Jesus.

Friendship With the Friend of Sinners

One part of the book I appreciated was its acknowledgment of how difficult it can become to cultivate friendships in adulthood. Wilson vulnerably shared with readers about a time he thought someone was a friend and it turned out, they weren’t. In wanting to better understand friendship as an adult, I’ve found myself compelled to be more concerned with the type of friend I am rather than the type of friend I expect others to be. To that end, this book encouraged me with how Jesus is my truest and sweetest friend and how I can likewise befriend others.

It also encouraged me to remain faithful in my pursuit of people and to entrust the results to the Lord. Friendship With the Friend of Sinners does a wonderful job of lifting readers’ hearts and eyes to Jesus not only as Savior but as a friend. This book is deeply encouraging and I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to grow in their love for Jesus and others.

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