New Bible in Pictures for Little Eyes

The New Bible in Pictures for Little Eyes Review

I received The New Bible in Pictures for Little Eyes compliments of Moody Publishers in exchange for my honest review.

The New Bible in Pictures for Little Eyes is a children’s Bible written in 1956. The current edition published by Moody Publishers includes updated artwork and a prayer at the end of each story. Generally, children’s Bibles are paraphrases of Scripture. What I appreciate about this one is how robust it is. The stories are divided by Old Testament and New Testament and there are over 100 of them.

The stories are short and are written very simply making this a helpful resource for 2-5 year olds. Reading The New Bible in Pictures for Little Eyes is a great way to help little ones begin building a foundation of Bible literacy as they become familiar with the accounts of Scripture.

This Bible is $16.99 from the publisher but they also offer it in a bundle (which is how I received my copy) with two other books for $30 making each book only $10! The illustrations in this Bible along with the simple stories make it a lovely resource for teaching children. We own many children’s Bibles and I’m thankful that this is one them.

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