Between the Sound and Sea

Between the Sound and Sea Book Review

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I received Between the Sound and Sea compliments of Revell in exchange for my honest review.

Between the Sound and Sea is the latest title by Christian fiction author Amanda Cox. This story centers on Josephina “Joey” Harris, a small town event planner. Facing the aftermath of some painful circumstances, Joey finds herself applying to work as a project manager restoring an old lighthouse. She receives the job and while the lighthouse owner himself is delightful and seemingly eccentric, his grandson appears cold and closed off.

As Joey begins working on the lighthouse, she discovers that there’s somewhat of a mystery surrounding its past. She also grows in her relationships with the owner and grandson as readers learn that there’s more to each of them than meets the eye.

Between the Sound and Sea

I generally don’t prefer Christian fiction because it doesn’t seem as well written as its secular counterparts. Between the Sound and Sea however, is a pleasant exception. The book was well written, the story believable, and I enjoyed the character and plot development. One aspect of the book that found refreshing was that its use of theology was biblical. Sometimes Christian fiction strays away from remaining faithful to God’s word and this book didn’t do that and I deeply appreciated it.

I was so curious to learn how the book ended that I completed it in less than a week. While the plot contains elements of mystery, it isn’t scary. It also contains elements of romance that are believable yet tactful. It was fascinating to me to reach the book’s end and read the part about how the historical elements of the story were based on real events. While I have a general familiarity with history, including WWII, I don’t recall having learned about the Battle of the Atlantic. It was fascinating to learn something new from a work of fiction.

Overall, I greatly enjoyed Between the Sound and Sea and had a hard time putting it down. I eagerly anticipate reading more by Amanda Cox in the future.

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