I Have A Psychiatric Diagnosis

I Have A Psychiatric Diagnosis Book Review

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I Have A Psychiatric Diagnosis by Ed Welch is one of the books in the Ask the Christian Counselor series by New Growth Press. Like the other books in the series, this one is just under 100 pages making it a quick and accessible read. This may seem like an unimportant feature but it is worth noting. There are many confusing messages when it comes to the intersection of faith and science, and Christians need to be aware of and equipped with good resources to help them navigate the confusion.

I Have A Psychiatric Diagnosis is one such resource. It gives readers a broad overview of a few common psychiatric diagnoses including trauma, anxiety, depression, and narcissism. Welch’s perspective is valuable because he’s not only a Christian who counsels biblically, he holds degrees in psychology. As Welch notes in the book, these fields have their places and serve their purposes. While they can’t provide a full solution to human problems, they can provide pieces of the puzzle of suffering.

I Have A Psychiatric Diagnosis

Many of us, myself included, can often pick up books like I Have A Psychiatric Diagnosis looking for answers to the painful realities of life in a fallen world. One aspect of the book I greatly appreciate is that rather than offering trite answers, it leaves room for nuance and asks many compassionate questions. This is a lovely reflection of humility and a helpful way to practice Proverbs 20:5, “The purpose in a man’s heart is like deep water, but a man of understanding will draw it out.”

In the chapter on depression, Welch acknowledged that Christians have much to learn in how they offer counsel and care. I initially picked up this book curious to see how it might speak to women suffering from postpartum depression (PPD). While it is more of a general reference guide for specific diagnoses and doesn’t mention PPD, I still found Welch’s words very encouraging and healing.

Another aspect of I Have A Psychiatric Diagnosis that I am grateful for is Welch’s approach to medication. Christians can be quick to assume that medication has no place in the life of a faithful believer, but Welch acknowledges that as embodied souls in a broken world, our bodies and minds can often fall short of functioning in healthy ways, and medicine can be one tool to help a suffering saint. It seems that many Christians fear medication because the world often views it as the savior so I’m grateful to Welch for acknowledging its usefulness.

Regarding medication, he helpfully wrote, “Medication will not address the deeper spiritual matters that are answered by God’s presence and your trust in him, but it can quiet a body that feels under attack,” (pg. 31-32). Regarding the use of medication and psychological therapy for healing from PTSD he said, “All these can lessen distressing symptoms but they are not designed to reach into the soul.”

Christians are free in Christ to use or not use medication and the way God looks at them will not change because of Jesus. The decision to use medication is one that requires much wisdom. Welch’s words were a good reminder that medicine is often a mercy and medicine in and of itself isn’t evil—any abuse or misuse of it is a result of sin and ultimately a matter of the heart.

There is and will likely remain a debate about pursuing helps for mental health not mentioned in the Bible (like therapy and medication) and this debate is often divisive. I Have A Psychiatric Diagnosis lends itself to conversing about tough topics in a way that is biblical, unifying, Spirit filled, and hope giving. If you are looking for an introduction on how to approach these issues biblically to counsel others or even to counsel your own heart, I highly recommend I Have A Psychiatric Diagnosis and I eagerly anticipate reading more by Welch.

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