The All American

The All American Book Review

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The All American is the latest historical fiction novel by author Susie Finkbeiner. This story takes place in America during the Cold War and centers around two sisters, Flossie and Bertha. Bertha is the oldest sister and has dreams of one day playing baseball for the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League team, the Workington Sweet Peas. Flossie enjoys reading and writing, just like her dad who is a writer. Life changes for both sisters when their family must suddenly move due to their father being accused of being a communist. The story switches between the sisters’ points of view with each chapter being from one of their perspectives.

The All American

I really enjoyed The All American because, although it’s a fictional story, it sheds light on circumstances and experiences actually occurred. American History is one of my favorite subjects to study. As a female, I particularly enjoyed reading about fictional females whose career choices went against the tradition of their day. This book is a clean read and while clean reads tend to be predictable and silly, The All American was anything but. The story took some unexpected but realistic turns, one of which made me cry. This book was hard to put down and if you’re looking for an enjoyable fictional tale, I highly recommend it.

I received The All American compliments of Revell Reads in exchange for my honest review.

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