Influence: Building A Platform that Elevates Jesus (Not Me)




Influence: Building a Platform that Elevates Jesus (Not Me) is an incredibly encouraging book by Kate Motaung and Shannon Popkin. I had seen this book highly recommended by Christian writers multiple times and had to grab a copy. Influence is a helpful read for Christians navigating building a platform online. The book covers topics ranging from comparison to networking from a biblical perspective. I purchased the book hoping to find godly guidance as I grow my following online.

Although I don’t hope to attain a certain number of followers, I do hope to be faithful with the audience God has given me. My aim is to steward it for His glory and the book was very helpful in encouraging me to remain faithful in doing so. As I read, I felt like I was learning from friends who understand the pull to gain a great following and use social media selfishly but remain anchored in Jesus. Two of my favorite encouragements from the book are on page 82 and they are “Before we influence others, let’s be influenced by Him!” and “Let’s gather followers the way Jesus would, by laying our lives down, rather than lifting ourselves up.” Read my full review here.