3 MaryRuth’s Must-Haves

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Magnesium Calm Gummies


As a MaryRuth’s Ambassador, I received a bottle of MaryRuth’s Magnesium Calm Gummies compliments of MaryRuth’s for my post on Instagram. I was excited to try out the gummies because magnesium is one of my favorite supplements and I’ve been using it for a few years. I usually spray magnesium on my feet before I go to bed and since implementing it into my nightly routine, I’ve experienced major improvements in my sleep. I’ve also tried magnesium lotion in the same way and it has been equally helpful. Taking the MaryRuth’s supplements orally has also been beneficial. I’ve tried them both at night and in the morning and feel that they help give me mental/emotional steadiness throughout the day. I’m so thankful for how magnesium has benefitted my body!

Liquid Morning Multivitamin

The Liquid Morning Multivitamin was the first MaryRuth’s product I tried. I had a friend tell me about how it gave her sustaining energy throughout the day and I just had to try it. Initially, the cost was a deterrent to me but I’ve found that MaryRuth’s frequently offers promo codes, and setting up a product subscription makes the price even lower. I’ve found that the Liquid Morning Multivitamin has been helpful, especially in the postpartum season.

Collagen Boosting Gummies

I’ve tried collagen products before but only in the form of powder. Collagen production has been a priority for me this postpartum season because I actually lost a lot of hair at the beginning of my pregnancy. I was a little apprehensive about what my postpartum hair loss would be like this time around and have been pleasantly surprised to discover that it has radically improved compared to my first two postpartum seasons. I highly recommend these gummies for anyone experiencing hair loss because it works really well.

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