Magnolia My Way // Series Intro

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With the boom produced by Fixer Upper present in all things interior design it seems that everyone wants a piece of the pie. What used to be the boring (at least in my opinion) and male dominated territory known as the home improvement store, now receives a steady influx of women who possess a wide array of knowledge when it comes to design and decor, thanks to Chip and Jo. The Gaines duo has tackled Waco’s worst, written a book, opened a highly successful home goods store, produced their own magazine and is even opening a restaurant. To say, “Everything they touch turns to gold,” would be a massive understatement.


As a fan of the show myself, I have fallen in love with Joanna’s eye for detail which is patent in every area of Magnolia’s marketing. Hospitality is a Biblical command for all believers and I’ve seen Joanna fulfill it countless times over the 4 seasons of the show and through the care she’s invested in Magnolia Market.


I’ve really enjoyed “fixing up” or decorating our home with my own unique style to make it both fun and functional for everyday use. The biggest challenge I’ve had that you may also experience is how to do the same when on a budget. I’ve noticed on Fixer Upper how Joanna loves to take ordinary objects and turn them into something unique and beautiful which has inspired me to do the same as I care for and decorate my home.


Unlike the individuals on the show, my husband and I are renters so that is a game changer. Rather than seeing renting as a limit, however, I like to see it as an opportunity for creativity. We also have a one year old so certain ideas that require more time and money simply don’t make sense for us in this season. With this criteria in mind, I’ve worked hard to make our home pretty and practical and I’d like to share with you four of the projects I’ve completed to do so. Be sure to follow along over the next four weeks as I share simple and affordable DIY projects to spruce up your space.

What unique design challenges have you faced and how did you overcome them?

Check out the rest of the Magnolia My Way series by clicking on the images below:



  • Lauren, it’s so great to find a Waco blogger! My in laws are there. ☺️ I don’t spend too much time watching tv, so pardon me for the lack of interest in Fixer Upper. However, I do enjoy seeing other’s DIY projects and can’t wait to see what you have coming in the next four weeks!

    • Thanks for stopping by and commenting Taylor! I don’t actually live there but I used to live in Austin and had the privilege of visiting Waco (and actually getting stranded there over night since our car was accidentally towed lol). Thanks again, I hope you enjoy reading! 🙂

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